ISPIMACTIF-Europe participated at the ISPIM Conference (the International Society for Professional Innovation Management) in Hamburg, Germany, 12-15 June 2011.

A specific workshop on EU funded programmes and ideas of collaborative projects related to Ethics, Privacy, and Values in the innovation process was presented by ACTIF-Europe during the Conference (Wednesday 15 June, Workshop 2.1):
Towards Sustainability: Values on the Innovation value chain (EU projects for Open Innovation and Sustainability).

About 400 ISPIM delegates from all continents attended bringing together academics, business leaders, consultants and other professionals involved in innovation management.
The main topic of the conference this year was on "Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges". The conference format includes facilitated themed sessions for academic and practitioner presentations together with round tables, interactive workshops and discussion panels.

ACTIF-Europe's presentation: "Towards Sustainability: Values on the Innovation value chain" (EU projects for Open Innovation and Sustainability)

1. To identify European programmes and funding to nurture the relation between (Open) Innovation and Sustainability.
• How to ensure Sustainability thanks to Innovation and Open Innovation?
• How to ensure (Open) Innovation thanks to Sustainability and its underlying principles?
2. To bring together organisations interested in participating in EU-Funded Innovation Management projects:
• To develop ideas for future collaboration.
• With a specific focus on founding principles of Sustainability applied to Innovation: Ethics, Privacy, Security, Safety, Humanities, Society, Citizenship, Democracy and Trust and confidence.

Targetted attendees:
• Anyone involved in EU funded projects that support innovation management.
• Anyone concerned by aligning innovation, wellbeing, society and democracy.


  • Context and Rationale (16.00-16.20)
    • Context:
      • Economic crisis muted in societal crisis as anticipated with a clear mistrust from citizens and individuals, which affects democracies and societies in return.
      • Technology or innovation are not the limiting factor. Even more, the development speed of technology and its increasing facility/omnipresence, especially in ICTs, encourage immediateness and put well behind fundamental values or principles.
      • Globalisation doesn’t limit to markets and commercial areas.
      • Several publications at EU level on Ethics, privacy, deontology, democracy, security, safety, humanities, trust, confidence, responsibility, accountability, … (e.g. the recent Privacy and data protection Impact Assessment Framework for RFID applications in April 2011, or the 1st Digital Assembly in June 2011 notably dealing with security and privacy).
      • Performance of economies is not only (or not anymore) measured in terms of GDP. A commonly agreed trend is to look at developing wellness and wellbeing terms of reference.
    • Rationale:
      • Sustainability is to be seen dynamic (it doesn’t implies immobilism nor blocked in time), it requires innovation to pertain wellness, wellbeing and societal and individual development.
      • (Open) Innovation can support sustainable development only if it is founded on values supporting the context, e.g.: to re-conciliate citizens/individuals with the society and democracy principles; supports; to support wellbeing instead of only mechanical performance.
  • Programmes and project ideas and capabilities (16-20-17.00)
    • Presentation of EU background information and projects
    • Initial ideas of projects or previous work done by some ISPIM members (LUT, ESCEM, MAC-Team, ACTIF-Europe)
    • New project ideas or consortia looking for partners which would have emerged from participants
    • Possibilities of call for proposals or funding lines
  • Discussion and Next Steps (17.00-17.30)
    • Summary of ideas for projects
    • Sign-up (optional) to the ISPIM EU-Project Working Group for next steps.

More info: and programme of the conference
In complement ACTIF-Europe also leads an "Innovation "Hot Topic" Discussion Circles" on "How do we build trust and confidence for end-users during the innovation process?" (circle 24 on Monday morning session).