Coop Campus is an ECVET European project for Cooperative Values improvement in management skills.
Since the autumn 2012, ACTIF Europe has been involved with co-operatives from eight different countries across Europe to share their expertise and experience through the European Coop Campus project. This project is supported by the Leonardo da Vinci European programme and aims at looking at joint accredited programmes to improve Cooperative values in management skills for Coop Elected members.
The EUCoop Campus reflective journal, as part of the two-year European cooperative mobility project, has been tested during a study visit to two cooperatives in the Almería region of Spain. The reflective journal is part of a "Values and Principles" unit being developed for the EU Leonardo da Vinci-funded EuCoop Campus project, and is designed to provide structure and accredited learning for members of cooperatives.
ACTIF-Europe provides its expertise and experience of ECVET approaches to support the design and the assessment of the EUCoop Campus programmes.
Read more … Reflective Journal - the EUCoop Campus practice for mobility assessment
This report provides an analysis of the state of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Research and Development activities in the European Union. This is the fourth report of a series which is published annually. This year’s report provides data up to 2008.
Commission launches the "Smart Specialisation platform" to further boost innovation in the EU regions
On 23 June 2011, the Commission launches the "smart specialisation platform" to support regions and Member States in better defining their research and innovation strategies. As there is no "one-size-fits-all" policy solution, the new facility will help the regions to assess their specific Research and Innovation (R&I) strengths and weaknesses and build on their competitive advantage. This is another step on the path to achieving the objectives set by the Member States in the field of research and innovation as part of the Europe 2020 strategy.
The European Commission published a memo end of July 2011 to present the added-value of Research, Innovation and Science when managed under portfolio approach.
This memo includes interesting angles to be taken into account when you have to present the European dimension in related projects.
Read more … Added value of Research, Innovation and Science portfolio
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