• Disclaimer clause
    • Copyright
    • Privacy
    • Hosting
      • promote cooperation networks
      • enhance public access to information about European dimension activities
      • provide with project management and transnational network animation tools.
      • information of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
      • not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
      • sometimes linked to external sites over which ACTIF-Europe sarl has no control and for which we assume no responsibility;
      • not for professional or legal advice.
      Indication of original source of information and web-site origin must be acknowledged when re-using information of the present website (and make sure to comply with related copyrights if any).
      In case you identify information on the present website for which you would like that better indication of the origin of the information is made, or if you want some information to be corrected or removed, please feel free to provide us with the relevant information or to contact by normal mail or phone as indicated on the contact page. We will do our best to answer your concerns.

Legal information on ACTIF-Europe can be found on Contact.

Disclaimer clause
Responsibility level on hosting, data and their origin and technical aspects
ACTIF-Europe sarl provides hosting and technical assistance (design, development and maintenance):

Our goal is to keep the information timely and accurate on the present website: if errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them and, when possible, will inform partners for information of their responsibility.

However ACTIF-Europe sarl doesn't accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information material on this site. This material is:

Some of the documents on this server might contain references, or pointers, to information maintained by other organizations. Please note that we do not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness or accuracy of these external materials.

It is our goal to minimize disruption caused by technical errors, particularly those related to the Year 2000 problem or e-viruses or other technology related points, and we would strongly encourage you to take all possible steps to protect yourself against such disruption. However some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats which are not problem-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. ACTIF-Europe sarl doesn't accept any responsibility with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.

This disclaimer is not intended to contravene any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.



      Data contained on this website are for information purposes only.
      Project data have been provided by the projects and partners themselves (responsible or representative people): they may not have been structured or created in files or formats which are free of problems as indicated here above, or such data or information may not have been correctly transported over networks or correctly interpreted or processed by the user's systems.
      ACTIF-Europe sarl does not guarantee accuracy of data or information provided, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof. Users should therefore take all necessary precautions before using this data, which they use entirely at their own risk.


Links to external sites

      ACTIF-Europe sarl is not responsible for external material linked to this site. In case you wouldlike to get your site added or removed to:from our ist, please contact us.


Permission and source indication are made when possible. If you identified information which should not be present our website, please contact us and will do our best to remove the information or correct it.

Access right to personal data
ACTIF-Europe sarl’s policy is to respect people's privacy and any law related to.
In case of private information which would be inadequately referenced on present web-sites, we will correct them as soon as possible depending on our resources if we are originally responsible for them, or will ask the organization or person at the origin of that information to amend it.
Don't hesitate to directly inform us for any problem of that nature or to contact by normal mail or phone us as indicated on the contact page.

Hosting environment
Present website is hosted at Papaki and maintained.
ACTIF-Europe is not liable for any technical problem for any reason and for any consequences (e.g. failure of services or loss of data). However ACTIF-Europe sarl will do its best to solve any emerging matters.
System configuration elements are based on open source solutions mainly based on Joomla! solutions.