New calls will be announced soon (probably June/July and September 28) on PPP - Public-Private-Partnership in the field of the Future Internet in order to create a climate to encourage investment and also to look at the Internet of Things (IoT) in the European Economic Recovery Plan.
ACTIF-Europe participated at the conference the Internet of Things (1-2 June 2010) oraganised by the European Commission with the participation of representatives as well from Japan, USA, China and Korea.
Out of the technical/technology and policy content, two presentations were made on the coming calls and the structure of the following calls.
These calls are based on a PPP approach (more background documents attached here below DG INFSO 1 and DG INFSO 2).
- The first call should be open during summer (still to be confirmed):
- ICT is key to Factories of the Future (FoF PPP)
- Tentative planning: end of June or July 2010
- 45 M€ for IPs/STREPs
- The second call should be open on September 28 (still to be confirmed):
- Internet of Things in FP7 – Call 7: Real world Internet
- Tentative planning: Open call 28/09/2010 Close call: 19/01/2011
- Draft WP 2011-2012 ICT Call 7 - 30 m€
Source: Internet of Things conference and the European Commission
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